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If your question is not answered within the FAQ section, you may submit your question directly to the TICO Webmaster.

If you've had an address or phone number change, contact
Elena Mares.

How can data be reported to TICO?
There are two options for reporting data to TICO:

1. Manual Coding Service - TICO provides coding services for all types of transactions based on information supplied via company reports or manual documents. For more information see the
Statistical Coding Services section.

2. Electronic reporting - Testing is required before electronic data can be accepted by TICO. Download testing requirements pdf.

Note- Both manual and electronic reporting can be used if necessary. For example, certain transactions such as new/renewal business can be reported electronically while other transactions such as endorsements/cancellations are sent for manual coding.

Would you like to know what your company's residential property, voluntary written premium in the Texas Windstorm Insurance Association catastrophe area is at any given time during the year?
TICO will provide this information at no charge. Contact Raj Jain,
(rjain@ticostat.com), for more information.

How do I obtain the TDI Residential Property or Commercial Farm Statistical Plans?
Click the "Statistical Plans" link on the menu bar above. A new window will open; click on the appropriate document in the new window.

Where can I find documentation for the Error codes we receive?
Click the "Documents" link on the menu bar above, or click

Where can I get a Transmittal or Loss Report Form?
Click the "Documents" link on the menu bar above, and then click the appropriate form.

When will I incur a fine?
Late data, which includes new submissions and corrections, will be assessed a $25 per company per day penalty. Re-submitted data that rejects for the 2nd time incurs a $300 per company penalty. Also, when a company has to re-submit multiple months or years because data has been reported incorrectly, there will be a penalty of $300 per company for each year re-submitted (whether a partial or full year).

TICO - Texas Insurance Checking Office
5508 W Hwy 290, Ste 100 Austin, Texas 78735
Phone (512) 444-9611






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